Santiachina: Chinese-born world citizen & artivist

Delirium of a dragonfly

So how did this all start when I didn't even believe I could paint?

I honestly didn’t. After a humiliating experience in art class at age 7. But not until that fateful night where everything was about to change.

La noche de nostalgia. Night of Nostalgia. Eve of Uruguayan independence.  Parque O’Higgins. Santiago, Chile, South America. A foggy night where stars silently whisper and weep.

A night that was surrealism itself.  Had a wordless conversation with a Uruguayan painter through drawing together, which transformed into this full-fledged painting, created with no verbal communication, but a spiritual connection, and a mutual accomplice knowing that we were made for each other and were just reunited.

I started to paint, and I started to see the world again, with new eyes like that of a child. Little by little I was letting out the little black sheep who doodled and erased on her wall since young, who still dreams more awake than asleep, and who wants to reconnect with all the things that mattered so much to her as a child: the flicker of light on a birch tree, the smell of freshly brewed chrysanthemum tea, gazing the golden sparks of snow in a street lamp, picking wild dandelions like a wild child of nature.

I wanted to inspire those around me to cultivate the inner child.

To play with everyday “commonsense” and ask the “silly questions”,

To see world issues with the question of how they affect our next generation

To look for the odd, the transcendental, the awe-inspiring, the uncensored, and to ask

Why does the emperor has no clothes on?

Why do people wage wars on imaginary weapons?

Why do some of us still get labeled when supposedly we are in a post-racial community?

My questions have driven me to work with multiple media, with pastel, acrylic, with video, with poems, with artivism. I hope to use art to awaken the refreshing way that we all once had of looking at this world. In a world where Phoebe Prince would not have had taken her life as a result of bullying, where Mapuche children and be proud of their millennium heritage, in a world where we laugh, cry and re-create a new world. Not Disney, but one where our childhood voice and dreams need not be manufactured.