Santiachina: Chinese-born world citizen & artivist

Good news! The pilot project of Artivism for Peace was launched May 2011 in Araucania, Chile!

Despite minor changes, Artivism for Peace successfully launched its pilot project in Collipulli, Araucania - a historical region where the Mapuches had their sovereign territory.

During the week, we- a.k.a. the artivists facilitated workshops focused using collaborative art to help children of different backgrounds - ethnic, cultural, religious, socio-economic class integrate and communicate with each other through an innovative way. Thanks to the support and collaboration of Escuela Miguel Huentelen, Escuela Mapuñancú, Escuela Benjamin Franklin, 3 collaboratively created painitings and 2 community mural is created with 40 children- one by the children narrating the local history of Lautaro, the heroic Mapuche leader against conquistador/invador Pedro de Valdivia, and another one of a Machi (Mapuche traditional healer & matriarch) was created by the group of artivists - ¨El Pititore¨, Damaris Riquelme, Ximena Fuentes, Tamara Quijada, Carolina Rosales, Jorge Olate, Mauricio Paz and ¨Santiachina¨:)

One of the participants by the mural: oral history of Araucanía including Lautaro eating the heart of Pedro de Valdivia, kultrún (Mapuche cosmovision) and a weeping machi asking conquistadores to stop killing her people.
Chilean muralist "El Pititore" painting a machi with her kultrun, ritual drum with the circular design that represents Mapuche cosmovision
children and community members painting a canvas at Gimnasio Cornelio Saveedra
With children of Escuela Mapuñancú and the product of our collaboration!
and of course, our amazing artivists:)
A digital story featuring our inter-cultural workshops, art sessions, activity, philosophy and interview of artivists is on its way!