Santiachina: Chinese-born world citizen & artivist

Story time! When the a flip camera speaks

Fascinated by how art could enable a different way to look at world around us, I set out with a flip camera to tell stories that could be told a different way, by just changing the eyes that look at them.

I learned how art could help children in multi-ethnic environments to interact with each other, breaking free from stereotypes and expressing themselves in a creative, self-affirmative way, I made this video documenting the efforts of 3 art instructors in a multi-racial public school in North End -- one of the poorest communities of Western Massachusetts, but never lacking the beauty and strength within.
----What Color Do You See?

Bringing together the magic of art as a unique channel of alternative expression, as an instrument to create safe spaces for difficult yet important issues, and a mirror to reflect and re-invent the cores of who we are. And, what it can do for children around the world... such as indigenous Mapuche children of Chile, living poverty, exclusion, and having little access to art education. This is what Artivism for Peace strives to change with our project this summer
----Artivism for Peace