Santiachina: Chinese-born world citizen & artivist

Santiachina is working on exciting projects!

The ART of building inclusive communities, Mount Holyoke College area

What can art do to help students of one of the most diverse colleges of the nation, with students from over 80 countries in the world to address its diversity in a constructive way?  What does Circle Painting, with a decade of experience of bringing together all walks of life in communities around the world have to add with its magic of art therapy & leadership?

How can the students combine art and community service and reach out to communities nearby, such as South Hadley High School, such as Holyoke, such as any other community where differences sometimes become a source of conflict rather than enrichment?

Artivism for Peace, Santiago, Chile

What can art do in face of historic issues of domination and current socio-economic marginalization for indigenous communities around the world? And for children, having discourses and stereotypes imposed upon them?

Artivism for Peace is a project that uses collaborative art workshops to help Mapuche children from vulnerable neighborhoods of Santiago, Chile. With art , we hope to provide an opportunity for them to express their voice, identity and point of view and to create an alternative representation, free of stereotypes and political agendas.

The workshops will be facilitated with the support of Circle Painting, UNESCO Art Miles Mural Project and various artists based in Santiago, from June to August 2011.